frequently asked questions


Here you will find basic information regarding the memento mori ceremony.

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Who is a memento mori ceremony for?

A memento mori ceremony is for anyone prepared to experience an exercise in confronting their own mortality. It is an intensely personal and potentially challenging event intended to give the participant a clear view of their life as a whole.

is this private, or will others be around?

Two options are offered for the living funeral ceremony: private and group. Booking a private ceremony gives you the choice of who will be attending or the choice to attend alone. The group ceremony is first come first serve and open to the public. Some prefer not to share this intimate experience with those they do not know personally, and a private session is more comfortable in that case

Do I have to be at the end of my life to experience a memento mori ceremony?

No. This ceremony benefits any person willing to participate in the confrontation of their own mortality.

can i invite my family?

If you wish to have specific participants present, booking a private session is recommended. Though you are welcome to invite your friends and family to join you in a group session, other members of the public could also be in attendance (limit for group ceremonies is 10 people).

is this like that scene in Empire records?"

No. The ceremony I perform is unique in that it is offered in a group setting as opposed to focusing on one individual (except in the case of a private, solo session). The ceremony's intention is not to function as an actual funeral where family and friends are invited to celebrate the participant's life. The ceremony's intention is to help give the participants what they need in the form of facilitating the confrontation of mortality.